Dr. Punam Keller

Dr. Punam
DR. PUNAM A. KELLER is the Charles Henry Jones Third Century Professor of Marketing at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College. Dr. Keller’s academic resume includes degrees from Bombay University and Northwestern, award-winning research, and faculty positions at NYU, Columbia, and UNC. Dr. Keller served as Associate Editor of Journal of Consumer Research and currently is on the editorial boards of Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, and Social Marketing Quarterly. Dr. Keller is a Fellow of the Association for Consumer Research.
Through the years, Dr. Keller has served as a consumer research consultant and educator to a variety of financial institutions including Filene Institute, Dimensional, Goldman Sachs, Franklin Templeton, CEIBA, Allianz Global Investing, and Blackrock. She has developed social marketing plans to promote financial education for the OFEFA, U.S. Department of Treasury, and NEFE. She served as the Social Marketing Officer of the Financial Literacy Center under Director AnnaMaria Lusardi, funded by the SSA, and is on the research committee for OECD’s INFE (international Network on Financial Education) group. She partners with not-for-profit National Association for Retired Plan Participants (NARPP) and is on DCIIA’s D&I steering committee.